Our strength: Exotic and rare timber


Yard logs and lumber Cropp Hamburg, GERMANY
Warehouse Lumber, exotic and domestic species
Ebony round logs on our yard, Cropp Hamburg, GERMANY
Warehouse Lumber and Flitches, exotic and domestic species
Walnut round logs on our yard, Cropp Hamburg, GERMANY
Warehouse Lumber, exotic and domestic species

Since 1919 the import and export from domestic and exotic timber is our speciality. Mainly we concentrate on hardwoods and rare species. As a trader with a big stock we are always able to offer about 130 different species from all around the world at our warehouse in Hamburg, Germany.


Our long-term experience in purchase, treatment, drying and storing different types of wood makes us a good partner in trading, music industry, interior design and furniture design industry.

Between logging and loading, we do all relevant jobs to make the business as simple as possible for our customers. 


Don't hesitate to ask questions and tell our team about your projects.

Click here to download our lumber stocklist.


Poplar Burl, Mappa, Table top with live edge
Elm burl, ideal for river tables, epoxy resin and wood
Redwood Table top with live edge
Camphor burl, ideal for epoxy resin projects
Padouk Table top with live edge
Purple Heart Slab


For a few years now table tops made from a single tree slab have become super popular. This development is a new challenge for us. The procurement of such large logs is not so easy due to the limited availability. Logs with diameters of more than 90 cm + are rare and the bids on submissions increased a lot on those logs.

And not to forget, one of the reasons: These trees are all over 100 years old.

Due to the width of the logs, such logs can only be cut by a few companies, because there are very few saws in Germany with a clearance of more than 100 cm.


The reward of the production of unique tree slabs, each one an individual natural piece, which is processed by carpenters, as well as by home wood workers, to eye-catching beautiful tables. The results of combinations with the natural material and creativity of wood workers are impressive.


In our warehouses you can find domestic and exotic construction wood also as special unique pieces among hardwoods: burl, fiddleback or ripple, pommelé or knotty, rustic and striped massive wood table tops.


We offer raw material for rivertables or dining tables with liveedge, i.e. natural edge.

For every need we have sawn timber, flitches, single planks or extra large boards in stock.


NAME / Botanical NAme / ORIGIN / Status

Afrormosia, Assamela

Pericopsis elata

West/Central Africa

KD, unedged

Afzelia (Doussié)

Afzelia bipindensis

West/Central Africa

AD, unedged

European Alder

Alnus glutinosa

North/West Europe

KD, unedged

Anegre, Aningré

Aningeria robusta

West/Central Africa

KD, edged

Anegre Fiddleback, Longhi

Aningeria robusta

West/Central Africa

KD, edged


Malus spp.

North/West Europe

AD, unedged

European Ash

Fraxinus excelsior

North/West Europe

KD, unedged

Europ. Ash, burl, fiddleback

Fraxinus excelsior

North/West Europe

KD, unedged

White ash

Fraxinus americana

North America

KD, unedged

Aspen Burl, Poplar 

Populus spp.


KD, rough table tops


Ochroma lagopus

South America

KD, edged as dimensions

Beech with red heart

Fagus sylvatica

North/West Europe

KD, unedged

Birch, european

Betula spp.

North/East Europe

KD, unedged

Birch, fiddleback

Betula spp.

North/East Europe

KD, unedged

Black Cherry

Prunus serotina

North America

KD, unedged

Black Cherry, fiddleback

Prunus serotina

North America

KD, unedged

Black Walnut (USA)

Juglans nigra

North/East America

KD, unedged, steamed


Cordia eleagnoides

Central America

AD, unedged, flitches


Guibourtia demeusei (tessmannii)

West/Central Africa

KD, unedged

Castello Boxwood

Calyophyllum multiflorum

South America

AD, edged


Aesculus sp.

North/West Europe

KD, unedged

European Chestnut

Castanea sativa

Nord/West Europe

KD, unedged

Douglas Fir (Euro)

Pseudotsuga menziesii

North/West Europe

KD, unedged

Douka, Makoré

Tieghemella heckelii

West/Central Africa

KD, edged


Berlinia spp. 

West/Central Africa

KD, edged

Ebony - Macassar

Diospyros celebica

Southeast Asia

AD, edged

Ebony - Central African

Diospyros crassiflora

Central Africa

AD, edged

Royal White Ebony

Diospyros malabarica

Southeast Asia

AD, Flitches

Elm (Euro)

Ulmus spp.

North/East America

KD, unedged

Red Elm (USA)

Ulmus rubra

North/East America

KD, unedged

Florida Cedar

Juniperus virginiana

North America

KD, edged, unedged


Carya tomentosa

North America

KD, edged


Carpinus betulus

North/West Europe

AD, unedged

Iroko - Kambala

Milicia excelsa

West/Central Africa

KD, unedged


Juniperus L.


KD, on request


Roupala montana

South America

KD, edged


Larix spp. 

North Europe

KD, unedged

Libanon Cedar

Cedrus libani/atlantica

West Europe

KD, unedged

Lignum Vitae

Guaiacum sanctum, coulteri, officinale, from Mexico

NEW: round logs available (as per 12.07.22) more info


Tilia platyphyllos (vulgaris)

North/West Europe

AD, unedged


Khaya Mahogany, Acajou

Khaya ivorensis

West Africa

KD, unedged

Sapeli Mahogany Sapelé, Sapelli, Aboudikrou

Entandophragma cylindricum

West/Central Africa

KD, unedged

Sapeli Mahogany Pommelé

Entandophragma cylindricum

West/Central Africa

KD, AD, unedged

Swietenia Mahogany          

Swietenia macrophylla

Central/South America

KD, edged



Acer pseudoplatanus

Nord/West Europe

KD, unedged

European Softmaple

Acer platanoides

Nord/West Europe

KD, unedged

American Softmaple

Acer macrophyllum

North America

KD, unedged

Am. Softmaple - Fiddleback

Acer macrophyllum

North America

KD, unedged

European Maple - Fiddleback

Acer pseudoplatanus

North/West Europe

KD, unedged

American Hardmaple 

Acer saccharum

North/East America

KD, unedged

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