»Tradition since 1919«


Max Cropp Hamburg, Roundlogs, Logs, lumber, boules,

Max Cropp GmbH & Co KG was founded in 1919 in Hamburg by Mr. Max Cropp as a german hardwood supplier. Since then we have been dealing with exotic and domestic hardwoods.

When the company moved to the city district Harburg in the 1980's, the company developed from being an agent to becoming one of the leading suppliers of exotic and domestic hardwoods in Europe.


With around 130 different species in stock we are partners for furniture and musical instrument production, local and international trade, boatbuilders and artists to name a few.

Lumber, boules, planks, warehouse, Max Cropp Hamburg, Germany

For more than 30 years we have been offering a huge assortment also for our private customers in our online shop. 


Wood lovers will enjoy finding the perfect wood for any kind of creative project.


Please do not hesitate to ask our team if you have any questions.   

& here is the link to our online shop:

Our Shop in Hamburg is additionaly open once a month on Saturdays

from 9 PM - 12 PM!

Next dates:

- 14.09.2024

- 12.10.2024



Roundlogs, Logs, hardwood, domestic and exotic wood, warehouse

for peeling, slicing and sawing, for veneers 

and various sawmill products

Lumber, Boules, Boards, Planks, hardwood, stock

for carpentry, stairs, parquet, garden furniture, design and interior and ship building

Tonewood, Music wood for buildings Guitars, Bass, rosewood, exotic timber

for instrument building, percussion, stringed instruments, pianos, E-Guitars, Acoustic Guitars

Turningwood to build bowles, boxes, wood turner
Turning wood

for wood turners, designers, handcrafts, wood jewelry, knife and bow makers, for hobbyist and professionals

A sneak peak into our species assortment:

Here you can download a full stock list.