


At the auction in Waging am See in Bavaria at the end of January, we were able to get some roundlogs.
We will soon get ash, walnut, pear, maple and elm logs from this place.
On autions we buy only a part of our european hardwoods, which we then process further. However, the purchase of raw material takes place not only at auctions, but also at sawmills or directly from forest owners.
A personal assessment is paretty important to us in order to guarantee high, consistent quality for our customers.
We pay special attention to unusual logs and rarities, such as burl or fiddleback logs.
After the purchase and transport to us to Hamburg, the logs are classified and divided for later use.
A small part will be sold as rundlogs to the veneer industry, the larger part will be sold to the furniture industry and trade after cutting and drying.



Recently we received a delivery of pearwood logs.
The logs origin is ‚das Alte Land‘, it is just around the corner from us and these trees belonged to an old plantation. Fruit trees from plantations usually don't grow very tall and also they have many branches on the lower trunk to harvest the fruits easily.
We will produce lumber out of these logs and we expect an expressive and rustic look due to the many branches. To intensify the color, we will also steam this batch.
It will probably take about a year before furniture can be made out of this, but we are already looking forward to it.

Update 01.03.2021

We were finally able to cut the pearwood roundlogs into lumber. Because of the cold weather we had to wait a bit more.



Parota table tops are available again!
Lengths from 2.80 m, widths up to 1.28 m, 65 mm thick, kiln dried

The tree is growing in central america. There it is also called "Guanacaste", it ist he national tree of Costa Rica and the province of Guanacaste in the northwest of the country was named after it. The species is also called the Elephant's Ear tree because of the shape of the seeds. Other names are Devil's Ear, Earpod tree.
The heartwood is light to medium brown, sometimes a red hue is possible. The heartwood often appears with darker brown streaks. The sapwood stands out clearly from the heartwood due to its pale yellow color. The structure of the wood is quite coarse-pored. Parota is used for interior builds, boat building and turned objects.


For more information about dimensions and prices click here:


Dear wood fans,

slowly we start to plan our open house event on 5th of June 2021.

In 2021 we want to give you the opportunity to show your wood work projects in our exhibition.

- you have the chance to show your creative work with wood and sell some stuff if you want
- there are 15 stands available
- no stand fees
- bring your own tables
- send us a short info about you

More information will follow...



Birch burl [Bot.: Betula spp.]
Other names: Common birch, white birch, bouleau
Origin: Europe, North Asia

Birches can reach an age of up to 160 years. They can reach a height of 30 m, in some cases they grow even higher.
Special features are the partially occurring flame and ice-birch patterns. The most expensive wood of the birches is the burl birch, mainly from Sweden and Finland.
Birch wood is a light but very durable wood, resistant to dryness and moisture. Birch wood is suitable for carpentry, turning and carving, while the wood of the burl birch is often used for knife handles or pens.



In june we cut bocote lumber in 26, 35 and 52 mm thickness. This decorative wood is ideal for carpentry or woodart. The wood is suitable for turning wood projects because it contains a lot of oil. The main color is light brown with dark brown lines.

*the pictures are example pictures

Botanische Bezeichnung: Cordia eleagnoides
Herkunft: Mittelamerika
Andere Namen: Mexiko Palisander, Bokote, Bocote


Open House cancelled - Online shop Sale - Weekend

Dear wood fans,

this letter was supposed to be the invitation to our open house in june.

But unfortunately for your and our safety, we have to cancel this event due to the corona virus, even if it is a very hard decision.

As a replacement, we will have a sale-weekend in our online shop for the first weekend in June.

We would like to thank our customers and give you the opportunity to work creatively with wood.

From Friday, June 5th 2020, midnight to Sunday, June 7th 2020, midnight, we give a 20% discount on everything in our online shop at!

You only have to enter the discount code CROPP20 when ordering to receive the discount.

Please note: during hat time it can take a little bit more time for us to process all the orders! We will get back to you as soon as possible!

Also the delivery process can take more time than usual!


By the way: We are also there for you during our regular opening hours!

You can reach us: from Monday to Thursday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Fri: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

By email: info@cropp-timber.comor Tel .: 040 766 23 50


Your Max Cropp team!

* The discount is only granted by entering the discount code when ordering in the online shop!



Here is a small overviev:

-Elm burl (round logs)

-Ash burl (round logs)

-Ash fiddleback (table tops)

-Mapa burl (table tops)

-Libanon Cedar (table tops)


The roundlogs will be cut in February, the table tops will be available in approx. 6 - 12 months. 



Cutting Ziricote is always a surprise. It amazes with its beautiful structure.

Cutting these logs was an exciting process, so we want to share some pictures with you:



On Friday the 25th of October 2019 the company Max Cropp celebrated the 100 year anniversary. For the location we choose an old storage building.
Instead of presents we asked for donations for the Fördergemeinschaft Kinderkrebs Zentrum Hamburg e.V. and could collect almost 10.000 Euro which is absolutely amazing! Thanks to all who donated and who celebrated this evening with us and made it so special!

The Stuhlmann Family & the Max Cropp Team


Information regarding the 18th Cites-Conference 12.11.2019

Download PDF Document: here

Dear Customers,

With this letter we would like to inform you about the adopted changes of the 18th CITES Conference of the Parties that took place in August 2019.

As you know, at the beginning of 2017, all rosewood (Dalbergia) and some Bubinga species were protected under the CITES rule and included in Annex II of the CITES list. This rule has now changed with regards to finished products, in particular musical instruments, as follows:

Dalbergia spp. (Rosewood, Appendix II CITES), Guibourtia tessmannii (Bubinga), Guibourtia pellegriniana (Bubinga), Guibourtia demeusei (Bubinga);

Amendment to footnote #15, which now has the following wording:

"Designates all parts and products, except

a) leaves, flowers, pollen, fruits and seeds;

b) finished products up to a maximum weight of 10 kg wood of protected wood per consignment; (such as pens, bowls, knives ...)

c) finished musical instruments, finished musical instrument parts and finished musical instrument accessories;

(d) parts falling within Note 4 and products of Dalbergia cochhinchinensis;

(e) parts falling within Note 6 and products of Dalbergia spp. originating in Mexico exported from Mexico. "

This change now has the following consequences for you as a producer:

- Purchase: The wood-specific information (cites number, protection status, botanical name, country of origin) must still be shown in the commercial invoices of your suppliers.

- Entry and delivery book: This must still be kept.

- Sale: Within the European Union:

-> We recommend to continue to provide the wood-specific information (cites number, protection status, botanical name, country of origin) in the invoices. Although not necessarily required, this information may be useful for your customer later on (for example, US entry).


The most important change:

- Sale: Outside the European Union (export):

-> A separate export license is no longer required.

(The separate import permit in the recipient country is also no longer required.)

For a better overview here is a list of commercially available Dalbergias:

CITES Annex II listed Rosewoods:

Grenadilla (Dalbergia melanoxylon)

Bahia Rosewood (Dalbergia frutescens / decipularis)

East Indian Rosewood (Dalbergia latifolia)

Kingwood / Violetwood (Dalbergia cearensis)

Amazon Rosewood (Dalbergia spruceana)

Honduras / Central American Rosewood (Dalbergia stevensonii)

Cocobolo tucurensis (Dalbergia tucurensis)

Cocobolo retusa (Dalbergia retusa)

Grenadillo (Dalbergia grenadillo)

CITES Annex I: Trade ban, except previously registered pre-convention stock:

Rio Rosewood (Dalbergia nigra)


Further decisions of the 18th CITES Conference of the Parties:


Cedrela spp. was listed under Appendix II CITES. Among them is also Cedrela odorata, also known as Spanish Cedar or Brazilian Cedar, which is often used in guitar making.

Here, as with the Dalbergias, an entry and delivery book must be kept.


This letter is intended as first, non-binding information and makes no claim for completeness and/or legal compliance.




BUCKEYE BURL (Aesculus California) from California.



Buckeye Burl is used as guitar and bass body tops, stabilized and coloured as knife grips or pencils.


Have a look at some plates:



2,00 m length and longer

52 or 65 mm thick

for EUR 850,- /m³ excl. Tax.

Valid from 07.10.2019 to 30.11.2019, as long as stock is available.

Your contact: Torben Pralow, Tel.: 040 766 23 515 or



3,00 - 4,40 m length, 52 mm thick,

for EUR 600,- /m³ tax incl.

valid from 15.07.2019 to 15.07.2019, as long as stock is available.

Perfect for carpenders, furniture and home hobby projects.




Your contact: Torben Pralow, Tel.: 040 766 23 515 or


Botanical name: Populus spp., Family: Salicaceae, Origin: Europe



This year we had a great mix of exhibitors in Hamburg. 



The Drechsler Forum presented by Matthias Lumpe and Didi Nachbar. They organized their table with the best pieces of the Forum Club. 

Turning wood artists: Dirk Jahns, Werner Burger, Jürgen Kusel, Bernd Pfister and tools from Maderas Drechseltechnik with Werner Wolfrum. The visitors had the chance to ask for tips and tricks, also discuss about different wood species for turning wood art.

Also Writing Turning Flipping (Starbond) Sascha Stölp and Jenny took the time to present their pen sets to make your own pen or knife. 

Capricorno-Naturhaus with Jörg Gsell, the specialists when it comes to the finalization of wood. Here you could get oils, waxes and the best information for finishing your work piece.


The Boomerang with Eckhard Mawick, he showed his handmade collection.

Heiko Rockels pens with history. The wood he uses always has a special history, so the pens are very beautiful and unique.


Handmade pipes from Uwe Reichert

Holz in Handarbeit - Ulrich Borowski, wood models and furniture for kids.

All about knifes - Stefan Steigerwald

Knifes from Frank Jürgens, bows and knifes Hermann Borghardt and Thies Köhn. Working with leather - Mario Marquardt: the oldest leather manufacture in Germany.


Carving artist - Erich Gerer

Eckener Schule Flensburg Stefan Siegmund and his students. Carving, sewing, polishing.

Möbel- und Objektdesigner - Richard Stanley furniture and object design. Thünen Institut Holzbestimmung, Dr. Gerald Koch.



We want to say thank you to all exhibitors and to our colleagues, who made it such a nice day. See you next year!



You had the opportunity to win a gift card guessing the weight of the burl wood. 

The beech burl piece weighs 2.289 kg.


The best guess was 2.283,47 kg from Susanne Förster.

The guesses from Kerstin Raap and from Irene Peters were pretty close: they both wrote down 2.300 kg. Also Sarina Schinmöller was close with 2.300,4 kg.

Congratulations to the winners and thank you for participate.  




Lime 80, 120 mm thick, kiln dried - for turning and carving


Botanical name: Tilia platyphyllos (vulgaris)

Family: Malvaceae

Origin: Europe



For turning wood artists and knife manufacturers!

For your creative project we received a new delivery from australia: Black Boys, Banksia Nuts, Goldfield burl and Jarrah burl slabs.


Black Boy: Botanical name: Xanthorrhoea  spp.

Family: Xanthorrhoeaceae

Origin: Australia

They are mainly found on the westcoast of australia. The tree ist growing pretty slowly, the diameter of the trunk increases only two centimeters per year. The attributes are perfect for wood turning and carving.


Banksia Nuts: Botanical name: Banksia Grandis

Origin: Australia

Dimensions: Diameter approx. 8 - 10 cm, length approx. 20 - 30 cm

They are perfect for wood turning or jewelery design.


Goldfield: Botanical name: Eucalyptus spp.

Family: Mallee

Origin: Australia, mainly southwest Australia


Jarrah: Botanical name: Eucalyptus marginata

Family: Myrtaceae

Other names: Eucalyptus

Origin: Australia

The Jarrah tree can reach a height of 40 meters and the diameter of the trunk can reach 1.5 meters. The wood is very resistant against insects. It is used in the ship-building industry, for musical instruments, for furniture and floors.



All about hardwood - from turning wood art, knife, bow and furniture manufacture, to wood carving art.  
We are happy about your visit!


Presenting artists: 


Handcrafted wood - ULBO Ulrich Borowski

Boomerang - Eckhard Mawick

Pipes - Uwe Reichert

Knife builder - Frank Jürgens

Bows and knifes - Hermann Borghardt

Bows - Thies Köhn

All about the knife - Stefan Steigerwald
Drechsler-Forum - Matthias Lumpe & Didi Nachbar
Turning wood artist - Dirk Jahns
Writing Turning Flipping (Starbond) - Sascha Stoelp
Turning wood artist - Werner Burger
Working with wood - Jürgen Kusel
Maderas Drechseltechnik - Werner Wolfrum

Turning wood artist - Bernd Pfister
Pens and pencils from wood with history - Heiko Rockel
Capricorno-Naturhaus Products - Jörg Gsell
Carving artist - Erich Gerer
Eckener Schule Flensburg - Stefan Siegmund
Furniture and object designer - Richard Stanley
Thünen Institut Holzbestimmung - Dr. Gerald Koch
Working with leather - Mario Marquardt




After 6 months of waiting we finally received approx. 25 cubic meters Red Heart logs with diameters from 25 - 40 cm and between 1,60 and 4,00 m length.


Red Heart is growing in south Mexico. Directly after sawing the wood has a bright red color.

But how most of the strong coloured timber, also Red Heart looses the colour through UV irradiation and turns into pink. 

There are ways to slow dowm and prevent the UV irradiation with UV blockers.


Red Heart is an even grown and pretty dense wood, so it is nice to work with and surfaces can be brought out very well.


Red Heart – Chakte Kok

Botanical name:              Sickingia salvadorensis

Origin:                             Mexico

Density:                           650 - 750 kg/m³

Purpose:                          Often used as turning wood, for musical instruments, knife grips,                                                    decorative pieces and for furniture.



From now on you can buy high quality waxes and olis from Naturhaus at our store in Hamburg. 


Bring out your wood surfaces with Refresher, High Solid Oil and Special Wax. For floor, stair, tables, dining tables and furniture.

Click here for more information:



Open calendar: Here!

X-mas Special! Product sale from 30 - 60 % off. 

We will open the door for you every morning at 10 am. 

We wish you a merry christmas!



MAPLE, B-Quality (Acer pseudoplatanus)

2,50 - 4,00 m length, 52 or 65 mm thick

for EUR 777,- /m³


Offer till 01.12.18

B-Quality: Cracks or small branch holes could appear

Perfect for carpenders, furniture and home hobby projects.

Your contact: Torben Pralow, Tel.: 040 766 23 515



RED OAK for EUR 750,- /m³

2,50 - 4,00 m length, 26,35, 52, 65 mm thick

for EUR 750,- /m³


valid from 01.08.2018 to 01.10.2018, as long as stock is available.

Perfect for carpenders, furniture and home hobby projects.

Your contact: Torben Pralow, Tel.: 040 766 23 515


OPEN HOUSE 02/06/18

On saturday, 2nd june 2018, from 09.00 AM to 16.00 PM

Turned pieces, knifes, bows, wood toys, pens and sculptures. Experts will show you a lot of tricks and grips you can use at home for your project. They will use a huge choice of different timbers.

We look forward to your visit!


New exhibitionists are presenting their creative woodworks:


Kurt Lotzen - wooden toy maker of the star alley

Butterflies, wooden toys and more. Kurt Lotzen as a former co-worker supports the star alley "Sternengasse" with many wonderful drafts

Kurt Lotzen on ARD Mediathek: Der "Ideenhaber" Kurt Lotzen



Norbert Zeplien - stylish writing instruments

Wooden pens at its best



Sculptress & Sculptors & Woodcarvers - Students of The Technical College Flensburg, 

Regional VET Centre, Eckener School, Germany

- LIVE WOOD CARVING - Students in action! Visitors are welcome to participate!




Dr. Noldt – Holzschädlinge

Wood worm and pest expert. Dr. Noldt shows many exhibits of his collection.



Frank Jürgens, knife maker

Finest handmade knifes and more



The German Woodturning Forum

Forum members will come together on a large stand. New turning objects will be presented. Newcomers are welcome!



R. Stanley, designer of furniture + sculpts

Handmade unique furnitures and scluptures, cube patterns and much more



Thies Köhn and Hermann Borghardt, bows & knifes

Handmade classical bows, arrows and knifes



Werner Wolfrum - Maderas Drechseltechnik

Turning machines, tools and accessories


Marcus Bickhardt from Uelzen – chainsaw artist

Live chain saw carving with sculptor Marcus. Chainsaw art at its best


Michail Schütte - historic woodturning

Greenwoodwork and Pole-lathe turning (historic technic)


Jörg Gesell - Capricorno - Naturhaus Vertrieb

Surface finishing with oil and wax



Carpenters Master School, an institution of Elbcampus Chamber of Crafts 

and the Carpenters Guild, Hamburg

Frank Behrens directs the Master School in Hamburg and he will provide information to this craftmanship and the necessary training, cources at school and more 




Priv. Doz. Dr. habil. Gerald Koch - Thünen Institut

Wood identification and more. Scientific supervision of the wood collections at the Thünen Institute. Macroscopic and microscopic determination of internationally traded woods.



'Katja Gobrecht - My favorite board "Lieblingsbrett''

Cutting boards and more



Mario Marquardt, leather crafts

Working with leather, leather embossing tools and wheels



Pytha Lab GmbH

3D-CAD for planning, presentation and production. The Phyta team is looking forward to interested visitors!


Heiko Rockel

Schreibgeräte aus Holz mit Geschichte


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